Postdoctoral Researcher in Health Ecology (Pollution - infectious diseases interactions)






Infectious diseasesAnimal health
Eco-epidemiologyNon essential elements



2019 to 2023
Ph.D. UMR5245, Toulouse university.

2018 to 2019
Master of Science Wild Animal Health (mention Distinction, major de promotion). Royal Veterinary College & Zoological Society of London (UK).

2010 to 2015
Doctor of Veterinary medicine and surgery. VetagroSup, Lyon, Université Lyon 1.


Generally speaking, my research focuses on the ecology of health, with an emphasis on microbial ecology. It fits into the theoretical framework of the disease pyramid (Figure 1), which illustrates the fact that the appearance of health events (disease, poisoning, mass mortality) is under the control of several interdependent factors, namely (i) the host (e.g. a rodent or an amphibian), (ii) the infectious agent (when an infectieuse disease is studied), (iii) the host microbiotas and (iv) the biotic (community structure) and abiotic (e. g. physico-chemical environment) of the environment. The balance between these different elements is disturbed by the global environmental change factors listed by the IPBES, such as biodiversity decline, climate change, land-use change, pollution (chemical, nutrient, etc.), introduction of invasive alien species, over-exploitation of resources, etc. How these environmental changes impact animal or human health or that of other organisms, in particular the dynamics of their infections, and how in turn the functioning of ecosystems is impacted, forms the general framework of my research. At the moment, I am particularly interested in trace metal pollutions in this context.

Modification date: 23 May 2024 | Publication date: 23 May 2024 | By: QP