ECOTOX, the network of terrestrial and aquatic ecotoxicology

Set up in 2009, ECOTOX, Ithe network of terrestrial and aquatic ecotoxicology, has since broadened to include the French community active in this field and currently involves around 150 members from some twenty INRA research units and from external partners (INERIS, IRSTEA, IRSN, CNRS, CEA, MNHN, universities and specialised schools, etc.).

The network constitutes a national focus for management in order to:

  • contribute to the national debate and the programming of research in ecotoxicology,
  • identify new research questions posed to ecotoxicologists,
  • encourage the exploitation of research results obtained by its members,
  • contribute to the organisation of scientific events.

The network covers important themes in the field of ecotoxicology:

  • the ecodynamics and bioavailability of contaminants,
  • physiological and behavioural changes affecting individuals,
  • changes to the dynamics of populations and communities,
  • modelling associated with these three themes.


for any information concerning the network, and for subscription to its mailing list.

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